This one's for the girls!
Mark 14:3-9 (NIV): “While he was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the home of a man known as Simon the Leper, a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head.
Some of those present were saying indignantly to one another, "Why this waste of perfume? It could have been sold for more than a year's wages and the money given to the poor." And they rebuked her harshly.
"Leave her alone," said Jesus. "Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have me. She did what she could. She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial. I tell you the truth, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her."
I was reminded of this Bible story today as I was reading a book called, Lady in Waiting which I believe every girl/woman should read (I highly suggest it to girls in high school). I first read it in high school, and it was one of those books that changed my life. I saw it on my shelf the other day and decided to read it again.
Anyway, back to the passage in Mark about the alabaster jar. When I initially read that story, I thought that the significance was that she gave something very valuable to Jesus, and we all should be willing to make such sacrifices as well. That is true; however, it’s much deeper than that. In Jesus’ day, when a young woman became of an age where she could be married, the family would purchase an alabaster jar and fill it with expensive ointment. This jar became part of the girl’s dowry. When a young man came to ask for her in marriage, the girl would break the jar at his feet. The anointing of his feet showed her honor for this man. So, this woman not only anointed Jesus’ feet to show Him honor, but she gave her all (a dowry is a pretty big thing to a girl!) to the only One she knew was worthy of such honor… to her heavenly Bridegroom.
I started thinking… what would be our alabaster jar today? We don’t really have dowries anymore, so it’s kind of hard to relate to. As women, I guess our alabaster jar might be the hopes and dreams that are instilled in us as young girls as we are playing house with our dolls and dreaming of our prince who will come and then we will live happily ever after. Somehow society, whether they mean to or not, make girls feel as though they must be married in order to be complete (which amazes me when I hear four out of ten marriages end in divorce). I have many single girlfriends whose lives revolve around having a boyfriend, and if they don’t have one, something is missing in their life. But Colossians 2:10 says, “And you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.” Fulfillment for a woman begins when she makes Christ Lord in every area of her life.
Girls-- a boyfriend, a husband, money, fame, etc. will not bring fullness, but the woman who can rest in Him will be satisfied. If you enter a career or marriage without the understanding that you are complete in Christ, you will be disillusioned and dissatisfied. I don’t just say that because I’m single and it makes me feel better. I say it because I have broken my alabaster jar at the feet of Jesus (and sometimes I have to do it daily), and He is enough. Are you willing to give Christ everything and be satisfied in Him alone?
“God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.” – John Piper